Tuesday, April 17, 2018


This week, we've discussed some fairness criteria and started looking at weighted voting systems.

Recall that the state of Maine voted in November to switch to plurality with elimination (called ranked choice voting) for many of their elections.  Here are some interesting articles about this switch and about plurality vs plurality with elimination

Maine's Ranked Choice Voting: It's not Plurality (has a couple interesting videos)

Top 5 Ways Plurality Voting Fails

Maine Ranked Choice Voting Initiative, Question 5(2016) - Ballotpedia

Portland Press Herald

Podcast Meeting with Supporters on Both sides of Question 5 (scroll down to find this)

The Reasons for Maine to Adopt Ranked Choice Voting are Unconvincing

Yes on '5': No More Lesser of Two Evils in Maine

Maine became the first state in the country . . . to pass ranked choice voting

Can you find any interesting articles about Question 5 on Maine's ballot?  How would you have voted on Question 5?


  1. While I thought some of the articles gave better examples of moving to plurality with elimination, others did not. I really do agree with moving to that system because it encourages 3rd parties to try harder so we aren't always stuck with democrats or republicans. I think it also means that they can't completely ignore the other half of the voting spectrum. It forces them to be more approaching to opposite voters and try and convince them. Really I still think the best part is trying 3rd parties and having them actually effect the elections.

  2. After reading a few of the articles, it made me realize that because of this method if plurality and plurality of elimination, these two could make ale a big difference in results. To me plurality is just as voting is now.

    1. Being said that , plurality with elimination will and is able to change the ending of the election . I personally believe that this method would fail everytime.

  3. I like the idea of using ranked voting in elections. But i think its more beneficial on small scale elections.

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