Monday, April 23, 2018

Last Week of Classes

This is the last week of classes!  We will be reviewing for the final on Tuesday and Thursday.  I have posted subject reviews and a sample final exam in the folder titled "Final Exam Reviews" on the right side of the screen.  Your final will include questions from Voting Theory, Finance, Probability and Statistics, and Graph Theory. Please look over the reviews and come prepared with questions on Tuesday and Thursday.   I will also be providing you with a formula sheet.  I will upload the formula sheet to this folder later this week.

The WeBWork homework has been reopened for you to go back and redo any problems that you missed over the semester.  You can do this until Friday, April 27.  This is a good way to review for the final and to earn back any homework points you lost earlier in the semester.

Our last topic last Thursday was the Shapley-Shubik power index.  This will not be tested on the Final exam since you have not had sufficient time to ask about it, but will be included as an optional bonus question on the final.  Are there other measures of power in weighted voting systems?  How can the electoral college be considered a weighted voting system?  Do certain states have more "power" than others in the electoral college?  Why or why not?  Do a google search and report on your findings in the comments.

Don't forget that the CAS is offering review sessions Monday-Thursday this week from 4pm-6pm each afternoon.  You do not have to stay for the full 2 hours if it doesn't work with your schedule.  I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this review opportunity.


  1. Before walking into class on Tuesday I was scared because my lack of memory from the other units. But once we started going over the topics some of the information came back to me and I am hoping that I will be prepared for this final.

  2. This class is the class I am most nervous about concerning finals. I have other class that are dominated my schedule outside of class time and this is a course as well. Also, I have a final ending minutes before this one. Being that this is relevant in my school experience it is even frustrating to take a break from anything because of the mental panic it'll have over me. I feel like doing voting theory threw me off track for the class in general. Although I am not doing bad in the class it is nerve racking to know that a final test can tarnish the grade you strived for all semester but that's life.

  3. I'm glad we are dedicating a class period to probability and statistics. That was the one I had the most trouble with, and taking a class period to kinda brush up will definitely help quite a bit.

  4. When I searched the question, "Do certain states have more voting "power" than other states?" the first thing that popped up was the a list of states with the most and least powerful voters. That was odd to me because aren't we all supposed to have the same equal power? I didn't read the article completely because the title told me basically all I needed to know. But I found that Missouri was ranked #11 with a vote power of 94.65 and Kansas was ranked #1 with 69.00. So I just thought that was kind of interesting.

  5. The most difficult part of this class for me was the probability and statistics. I found it difficult to know when to find the z scores and how to even find the z score. After we did the review today, I understand it a little better.

  6. After researching whether some states have more power than others in the electoral college I came to the conclusion that the size of the state reflects the amount of power that state has in the electoral college. I think that all states should have equal powers regardless of the population of the state.

  7. In this class I really struggled with probability and statistics and still struggle with it. I am not sure how well I am going to do on this final but I have been studying like crazy and going to the CAS for help. I understand all our other topics but I still not sure how prepared I am.

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