Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Exam 3

Your third exam for MAT110(E) is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10.  An exam review is located in the Handouts folder linked on the right side of the blog.  Please print this out and bring it with you to class on Thursday.  You should attempt the problems before coming to class so that we can focus our discussion on the problems that students most struggled with.

I have posted a couple videos below reviewing annuities and amortized loans.

After the exam, we will begin a small unit on Voting Theory.  Thank you to everyone who filled out the mid-semester survey to select our last topic.


  1. Thank you for posting these review videos. They are really helping because I can see a problem being worked through to help me memorize steps. I found annuities and present value equations to be challenging when we first start working with them. After some practice I was able to grasp the concept but still has trouble. What really helped me understand when to use which equation what when we talking about which formula to use when gaining or losing money. I liked this unit because I'm able to apply it to my life.

  2. These review videos have helped me learn certain problems that were troubling me like, annuities and I appreciate you sharing these resources with us!

  3. These review videos have helped me learn certain problems that were troubling me like, annuities and I appreciate you sharing these resources with us!

  4. I already knew about these videos before you posted them on tis page. I use your youtube channel for help with my homework. It really helps me being able to see how to work out certain problems.

  5. After we learned about the annuity formula I have been getting It mixed up with the other formulas, so seeing the examples has helped me a lot when doing the review and the homework.

  6. The annuity and amortized formulas have confused me but after watching this video it has really made a difference and helped me realized which formula was which and definitely helped with my homework.

  7. I have really struggled with what formula goes with what equation and I hope I can figure it out when I take the test. I have been trying to memorize what goes with what and I hope that will help.

  8. I found that after I watched these videos, I understood how to do the problems more than I did in class. the videos really broke it down step by step and I was able to go at my own pace. This helped a lot
